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The Seren Roberts Memorial Golf Tournament and Fundraising Dinner 2014


In the blazing mid summers sunshine, The Seren Roberts Memorial Tournament returned to Cottrell Park Golf resort for its 4th annual event.


A record breaking turnout of 83 golfers took to the Button Gwinnett Course and the fine weather helped to produce some fantastic scores.


This years event was dominated by a fantastic round from Grant Cunningham, who not only took the individual prize scoring a incredible 48 points, he also won the longest drive and nearest the pin competitions.  While the three trophies I’m sure will be sitting proudly on his mantelpiece, Grant kindly offered his raft of prizes back to the event which were then raffled to competitors.


Not to have it all his own way, Grant narrowly missed out with the rest of his team for the Team Prize, which went to Wedges1 who amassed 99 points (best 2 stableford scores) - a record score in our events.


Aside from the golf competitions, golfers were entertained by the superb Kevin Carpenter of KCGolfshow prior to their round in a high tee off challenge, and with a another top quality trick show  following the completion of everyone’s round.  Mesmerising somes it up!


A three course meal served up from Spiros Catering at Cottrell Park  followed by the raffle, auction (full details click here) and a great set from Comedian Bob Webb had the whole audience in raptures, with the event finished off with a disco to get all down jiving.


In all, the event raised over £3,000 profit for Cardiff and Newport SANDS,. Another fantastic achievement, so thank you to all who came to the event and made it such a success










Reading the green

Reading the green

19th hole

19th hole

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